Tuesday, July 7, 2009


In highschool, my best friend was gorgeous. You know the type. Petite build, busty, great skin and hair, gets along with everyone. I was about the same, minus the busty, and with pretty okay skin. We made a good pair, at any rate. Except I hated people. I don't get along with everyone, I'm picky. She's not. She's had a steady boyfriend since about two years after we met, I'm not sure if those two years count, since we were in middle school.

Don't get me wrong, I mean this isn't a pity party. I'm pretty happy with where I am. I'm just saying that the movies never focus on the right person: it's all great for the one who has the guy drooling on them. It's different for the girl who goes through three guys in one year and right as she's getting dumped by the one she thinks is serious, her mom - her fifty-one year old mom - tells her that two men told her they were in love with her. Such is my life.

I guess the whole purpose of this is to dialog the most ridiculous and hilarious exploits of being the supporting role of best friend; from here on out, it's all starring me. The one with the personality tick. Welcome in, folks.